


玄米綠茶-散茶 成分:玄米茶丶綠茶 重量:100克 產地:台灣 保存期限:36個月 食用建議:泡茶 口感:芳香濃郁 功效:玄米就是糙米,富含纖維、利於腸胃丶暖胃。能夠促進血液循環,增強腸道蠕動,潤腸通便。綠茶因為含豐富的單寧,具有抗氧化、抗菌的作用。含豐富氨基酸和維生素有美顏瘦身的功效。 儲存建議: 請存於陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。 Golden Genmaicha - loose tea ✅ Beneficial for stomach and intestines ✅ Moisturizing and laxative ✅ Antioxidant and antibacterial ✅ Beauty slimming Ingredients: Genmaicha, Green Tea Weight: 100g Place of Origin: Taiwan Shelf Life: 36 months Edible suggestion: steep tea Flavor: strong brown rice aroma Efficacy: Brown rice is brown rice, rich in fiber, good for stomach and stomach. Can promote blood circulation, enhance intestinal peristalsis, laxative. Because green tea is rich in tannins, it has antioxidant and antibacterial effects. Rich in amino acids and vitamins, it has the effect of beauty and slimming. Storage advice: Please store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight
