Decaffeinated Tea 40 Teabags

HKD 80.00



優惠期內送茶罐。 Decaffeinated Tea Pack size: 40 Tea bags, 125g •Product Description SMOOTH & ROUNDED Carefully blended by our tea masters for full flavour Tea, select and taste the most vibrant leaves from Africa, India, Sri Lanka and all over the world. So you always get the perfect cup. •How to make the perfect cup of tea 1. To enjoy this tea at its best, always warm the teapot first with boiling water. 2. Use one tea bag per person and one for the pot. 3. Pour on boiling water and leave to stand for 3-5 minutes to allow the full flavour to brew. 4. Serve with or without milk. Product of several countries. Packed in U.K. •Storage Store in a cool dry place and once opened in an airtight container. 無咖啡因茶包 數量/重量:40包/125克 成分:紅茶 英國包裝。 保存期:36個月

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